(Originally published 4/1/22 on Substack.)
Over at my Patreon, the second-ever Against the ’70s poll is up. Once again, I’ve selected five films from “Appendix I: Inspirations” from the rpg book Damnation Decade by Robert J. Toth. This poll is open to all paid Newsletter and Patreon subscribers, and, unlike last time, will run the entirety of April. Last month’s winner was Zardoz (1974, John Boorman) and will appear on or around Monday, April 4th1.
If you’re a paid subscriber to this newsletter, you don’t have access to the Patreon poll, but you’re entitled to a vote nonetheless2. Feel free to get me your choice, either via my email (kentmbeeson@hey.com) or Twitter (@Kza or @vsthe70s)3. If you’re not a paid subscriber, consider becoming one! Paid subscriptions to the newsletter are $5 ($50/year) or $2/$4/$5 on Patreon. (Newsletter subscriptions and the $5 Patreon tier have the same perks.)
Also, paid Newsletter subscribers and Energy Corporation-level Patreon subscribers have the privilege of picking a movie for me to review and use as the basis for rpg material. Last month, subscribers picked The Incredible Melting Man (1977, William Sachs) and Silent Running (1972, Douglas Trumbull). The Incredible Melting Man was posted this last Tuesday and Silent Running should appear on or around April 11th4. What will they pick this month? As long as I have access to it and it was made in the 1970s, I’ll post about it. Doesn’t have to be fiction, and doesn’t have to be English language. If you’re a $5 subscriber, feel free to go nuts!
This month’s choices:
The poster for THE BOYS FROM BRAZIL.
The poster for EMPIRE OF THE ANTS.
The Swedish poster for EVERY WHICH WAY BUT LOOSE, which I believe translates to THE WILD FIGHT.
The poster for FOXY BROWN.