(Originally published 2/26/22 on Substack)
Over at my Patreon1, I’ve posted my first poll. I’ve selected five films from “Appendix I: Inspirations” from the rpg book Damnation Decade by Robert J. Toth. This poll is open to all paid subscribers and will run to March 5th. If you’re a paid subscriber to this newsletter, you don’t have access to the Patreon poll, but you’re entitled to a vote nonetheless. Feel free to get me your choice, either via my email (kentmbeeson@hey.com) or Twitter (@Kza or @vsthe70s)2. If you’re not a paid subscriber, consider becoming one! Paid subscriptions to the newsletter are $5 ($50/year) or $2/$4/$5 on Patreon. (Newsletter subscriptions and the $5 Patreon tier have the same perks.)3
Originally, only subscriptions $4 or higher could vote in the poll, but I’ve made the snap decision to open up polling for those at the $2 tier level. I would like to add a new perk to the $4 tier level to compensate, but currently my brain feels like a dehydrated pear, so I’m welcome to all suggestions!4
The following list is, frankly, pretty white. I plan to dive into Blaxploitation5 sooner rather than later — it’s not the ’70s without it — I just want to make sure I’m approaching it as carefully and sensitively as possible. Also, remember, all $5 tier patrons can pick a movie for me to watch this month6. Don’t be afraid to go as non-white and non-Eurocentric as you wanna!
This month’s choices:
The poster for THE BOYS FROM BRAZIL.
The Spanish poster for EVERY WHICH WAY BUT LOOSE, which, if I’m correct, translates to HARD TO PEEL.
The poster for SILENT RUNNING.
The poster for ZARDOZ.
As of this writing (3/21/24), the Patreon still technically exists, but I haven’t charged anyone for it for quite awhile now, and once all these old posts have been republished on blot.im, I will delete the Patreon.↩︎
These Twitter handles (I refuse to call it by its new name) are defunct. You can find me on social media at Bluesky. My handle is @kentmbeeson.bsky.social.↩︎
These refer to the Substack version of Against the ’70s, which, like the Patreon version, still exists as of this writing (3/21/24) but will be deleted as soon as all these old posts are republished here.↩︎
One of the reasons I gave up on Substack and Patreon was that I simply could not offer perks at reasonable prices that I could then deliver. A lot of what I was offering was based on delivering at least one post a week; I now know it usually takes at least 2 weeks to write a post, often a month, sometimes longer. (I have one draft I’ve been working on for over a year now.)↩︎
Still haven’t! But Shaft, the character and the series, is pretty key to my idea of an Against the ’70s game, so we’ll be seeing that bad motherf(shutyourmouth) this year. Also, the Damnation Decade book lists Disco Godfather in the Appendix, and I haven’t sampled any Rudy Ray Moore yet. Since one of my goals is seeing every Appendix title, again, ideally, this year as well.↩︎
What an absolutely moronic idea. If everyone who was paying $5 a month requested a movie every month, I’d have a backlog of about a thousand movies. Okay, that’s an exaggeration, but it would’ve been awful. Luckily, people were kind about it. Should’ve asked for $20 to request a movie. No, $50.↩︎
I have yet to write about The Boys from Brazil. I’d like to hit it in 2025, though.↩︎
I eventually wrote about Every Which Way But Loose in post #34. (This is post #19.)↩︎
I have yet to write about The Final Programme. I’m still deciding whether I want to read Michael Moorcock’s Jerry Cornelius quartet first or not.↩︎
I eventually wrote about Silent Running in post #26. (This is post #19.)↩︎
I eventually wrote about Zardoz in post #25. (This is post #19.)↩︎